Threads app

Threads app

Social network app

Social media app where you can create, comment, like threads, search for new friends and create communities 🤗 (there is a 2-3 seconds delay after you perorm any action such as like search, etc... wait plz, serverless functions have to warm up a little 😥) MongoDB - store all the data. (Users, Threads, Likes, Communities) Clerk - handling authorization and registration. Uploadthing - uploading files. (User Profile Images) Zod - form validation. (For Threads) Svix - to handle webhooks. (When the new community is created in Clerk, this community is duplicated in MongoDB) Shadcn, Tailwind - ui. If you want to check it out - you have to create an account Don't worry, i dont use/sell your personal data Registration is handled via Clerk, the fastest way to register - is to use a 0Auth via Google/Facebook/GitHub